
Give Your Back a Break with EZE Turn

Today, big and small operating companies have begun utilizing human factors engineering or HFE to help ensure workers have access to safe, quality, and fit-for-purpose facilities and equipment. Human factors help improve or enhance human performance in the workplace while reducing human error and injury. 

The EZE Turn PVA (Portable Valve Actuator) system is a tool that helps to achieve this HFE effort. 

Potential Injuries Related to Manual Valve Operation 

The EZE Turn PVA system is uniquely designed to help reduce the possibility of injuries during manual valve operation. This is especially beneficial when there are older valves that require excessive force to turn and operate. Some valves have up to 400 turns to go from open to close, and having to use extreme force and a repetitive motion can cause severe strain for the arms, legs, back, and neck. 

Reducing repetitive motion and force can help eliminate the possibility of injury or soreness caused by this type of work. 

How the Portable Valve Actuator Works

The EZE Turn Portable Valve Actuator is specially designed to provide easy-operation benefits. More individuals of varied ages and genders can begin handling jobs that would otherwise be reserved for those who can handle heavy loads repetitive motions. 

The PVA tool requires the installation of a drive plate to the valve’s handwheel. The plate works with the PVA and is easy to install on the handwheel using two U-bolts. 

Once attached properly, the actuator must be supplied with clean, lubricated air, and the valve turning process is simple. Safety features are built in to help ensure the tool is safe to use continually. 

Accessories and Extras for the EZE Turn PVA system

EZE Turn offers accessories and other extras to simplify the job further to enhance the PVA system’s abilities and minimize the possibility of injuries. 

For example, the EZE Turn Tool Cart carries your PVA, as well as the retention adapter and other basic equipment. You can handle valve operations from the cart or move it from one location to another without requiring too much time or effort. 

Some of the other extras you can purchase to enhance the PVA further include retention adapters, handguards, torque multipliers, telescoping pole, grating lock, and additional U-bolt sets to name a few. 

Enhance Your Work Environment with EZE Turn’s Tools and Solutions

As you can see from the information above, EZE Turn offers several solutions that help minimize the stress and strain related to manual valve operation. With this tool, you can enhance your work performance and efficiency while reducing the possibility of injuries, regardless of the size or type of valve you are dealing with. 

Make sure to consider what you need to minimize issues and improve your work environment. It is beneficial for workers in multiple industries, regardless of the size or type of valve that you are dealing with. Being informed will help to ensure you get the desired results and reduce back and other body injuries.

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