
EZE Turn Improves Safety And Reduces Manpower

Portable Actuators are used to help carry out many different tasks in the construction industry. Lightweight and affordable, actuators help defeat the most challenging environments, enabling various functions from basic hand movements to complex tasks involving valves, wheels and regulator mechanisms. 

Whether it’s working on road surfaces, pipelines, equipment in factories or mine workings, there are many applications in the industry that require the efficient use of portable actuators.

EZE Turn manufactures an extensive range of PVA systems, drive plates & adapters, and compressors employing our unique performance engineering techniques along with the latest technology for advanced reliability and performance. Check out below how our portable valve actuators benefit you:

Enhances Safety

When valves are operated manually, including by not using a safety handgrip, they can unexpectedly close and cause a force interference injury to the employee. While few of these injuries result in catastrophic events with property damage, the potential for serious personal injury exists. These injuries are because operators use their hands and wrists rather than their feet and legs to operate industrial valves. 

There is increasing pressure on the hands and arms when closing or opening an industrial valve with this practice. If the force needed to move the handle isn’t strong enough, injured employees may develop chronic pain in the hands and wrists. Accidental injuries such as the shearing of blood vessels in the hands can also result from fatigue related to repetitive motion without adequate rest.

With wide application in areas with high power demands, non-blocking performance, ease of closing and robust life, the EZE Turn PVA is an excellent solution for any valve. They minimize the danger that arises from the manual opening of valves when they are held in position by an operator due to their ability to open valves in a difficult position quickly. 

This makes them an invaluable addition to any facility’s toolbox. The EZE Turn PVA offers significant advantages to existing equipment and can be adapted to almost any machine. Operators’ exposure time is drastically reduced, and the threat of electrical shock or explosive atmospheres no longer exists.

Reduces Manpower

Back in the past, turning valves took hours, each man down to his knees pulling on the valve stem. The cost of this manual labor is enormous. The EZE Turn PVA eliminates the need for manual valve handling during plant stops, saving you time, labor, and money. By leaving the instrument connected to your pneumatic actuator, you can operate a single or multiple valves within minutes.